It is absolutely f.r.e.e.z.i.n.g outside (and yes I know the south's idea of freezing is much different than the actual state of freezing that all of y'all up north face during the winter). However, my little southern buns are freezing and there's pollen covering my car. . .not cool! What kind of cruel combination is this? I can deal with the pollen if spring is in the air, but not when jack frost isn't quite done playing his games. The cold weather completely killed my ambition to get into the gym again today. Instead I came home right after work, made a batch of yummy chicken tortilla soup, and cleaned like a maniac. The husband is off celebrating with a soon to be married man (too excited for the wedding this weekend) and I can't ever sleep when he's not at home. No, I'm not a clinger. . .I don't have to be right next to him to sleep, I just have to have him at home to feel safe and secure enough to go to sleep. Maybe being a scaredy cat is worse than being a clinger. ..hmmmm. Between loads of laundry, washing dishes, and starting a painting project I was able to finish up my Wild About Math unit that I've been blogging about using so far this week. It's finally in my TPT store ready to be snapped up and used in your own classroom. I've pumped it full of review opportunities for the following skills: telling time (hour and half hour), 2 digit addition and subtraction, comparing numbers, and graphing. There are suggested read alouds for each topic to get the party started and plenty of activities to keep the party going. My kids have loved it so far. . .it doesn't take much to knock their socks off. If it involves spinners and a chance to work with their besties they're putty in my hands.
Painting and washing dishes are activities that give you plenty of time to think. What else should I think about than my birthday. . .I have 1 more day of being 27 and then I turn the big 2-8. I don't understand how I got so old so fast! I know 28 isn't really that old in the large scheme of things, but it marks my entrance into the next phase in my life. . .the adult life. ..the responsible life. . .a life with babies (and not the fur kind). I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared to death to think of myself as a mom in the near future (God willing). Growing up I always thought that at 28 I would feel old and be ready to move it along. I was wrong. . .well partially wrong. . .I do feel old. . .but I'm scared to move on from the way of life I've gotten so good at. I'm sure everybody goes through this panic and that I'm not the only weirdo that has a light bulb moment that they can't act like a college student for much longer (without getting strange looks and lectures from your parents). Atleast I have a long way to go until the days of water aerobics and elastic waist band pants.
It's now way too late to stay up any longer without being Mrs. Grumpy Pants tomorrow so good night to all! Don't let the bed bugs bite!
Charleston Native, wife, 1st grade teacher && lover of everything chevron, polka dot && pink. Life's too short to strive for anything less than fabulous! This is the life I live!
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