Snap to today where my closet has exploded {{again}} and the daunting task of planning out January is hanging over my head. My silver lining: I slept in until 10 this morning and only had one teaching related nightmare. Before I enter full blown crazy teacher mode and tackle January I need to catch up on all of the things that happened in December.
Hodgepodge Stop #1: Elf on the Shelf Invasion 2K13
I blogged about Week 1 of Layla's invasion {{here}} && then life got too busy to make the blog trilogy that I planned to link up with a reality. I know it's way late, but it's never too early to start planning for next year! Here's Week 2 of Layla's elf antics:
Elf on the Shelf Invasion: Week 3
Week 3 only had 1 small deviation from the plan. On Day 11 Layla made a magnetic letter message. For Day 12 Layla got wrapped up in the lights on our We Can objective board. On Day 13 Layla spied my delicious hot chocolate goldfish crackers and went fishing for them (the kids went nuts). For Day 14 Layla was supposed to have a snowball (cotton ball) fight with the bear. Being that I spent Day 13 trying to reel them in from the excitement of Layla going fishing, I put two and two together and realized that a snowball fight wouldn't be the best match up with the pounding headache I woke up with. I opted for a less crazed option and that was to have Layla sky diving from the old/ancient/dinosaur/unused TV in our room. With Day 15 being her final day with us, Layla brought cookies and a goodbye letter. She was supposed to bring a marshmallow/candy cane treat, but store bought cookies were so much more appealing with the time crunch I was facing. After all, cookies are always a safe bet to make && as predicted they ate them all up...clever huh? In addition to the daily tricks (and sometimes treats) courtesy of Layla, she also left encouraging notes to my friends who were on task, following directions, and turning in beautifully completed work. I can't be the only one out there completely sick of the sloppy work?? Chickens could put a pencil between their toes and make things look neater than the work some of my friends are turning in.
Again, who knew that a simple note could turn kids back in the right direction...well...most of them.
Layla invading our class was only part of the madness that December brought. We also had our annual Christmas carol performance which was a-d-o-r-a-b-l-e as usual. All of the practice and constant discussions of appropriate singing voices (not screaming/screeching/grumbling) paid off and the performance was a crowd pleaser. A lot of my sweet little carolers didn't make it to the show. One didn't want to be on stage (I totally get it), a few didn't have transportation (parents working), and some were just no shows. Of course I had to snag a picture with the ones who did come to sing their little hearts out && I have to say they were the cutest little carolers ever! (Sunglasses added to conceal their identities...much more clever than the typical black bar huh?).
With all the fun we had in December, some learning was tossed into the mix too. We finally finished up our opinion writing unit && can I just say how absolutely heart warming it is to see them finally internalizing what I've been blabbering on about for 5 weeks?? Seriously I almost fainted hearing them talking their way through opinion piece parts as they put their ideas on paper (opinion sentence, reason #1, reason #2, closure sentence). I forgot to take pictures of their opinion writings about a trip to the North Pole, but I do remember one kid's opinion verbatim (inventive spelling not included): "I think that a trip to the North Pole would be a terrible idea. I think this because the North Pole is very cold. Like very, very cold. You could turn into an ice cube! What if you got lost up there? You could die from being cold! That is why I think going to the North Pole would be a terrible idea." Truth! Absolutely the truth...and hilarious! We did a flashback to narrative writing with our "If I was Rudolph" craftivity. We were a little rocky with it in the planning stages, but they slowly started remembering that they rocked their faces off with this before our opinion unit started. It doesn't get much cuter than inventive spelling!
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