I know, I know, I'm a day late from when I usually post about my weekly wardrobe combinations...and it's all because there aren't enough hours in the day. Yesterday was a day of shopping, soup, coffee, rain && a work Christmas party. I had high hopes of getting some things checked off my mile long to do list today, but apparently this chick had a little too much fun last night and I haven't left the bed all day (not an exaggeration). I was feeling 22 last night && then reality hit hard this morning with a harsh message that I'm indeed 28 and not capable of recovering like a rock star anymore (insert sad/sickly face here). There's a reason we all can't get together every weekend...I'm 100% certain that I wouldn't survive all of the fun. I'm feeling as human as I'm going to feel for the day so here we go with Week 17's stylings before I call it a night && pray that I feel normal again tomorrow morning.

If it's chevron, odds are I currently own it or I'm going to eventually own it. I'm obsessed with chevron so Monday's outfit was a no brainer.
Cardigan: LOFT
Dress: Red Dress Boutique
Belt: Belk
Navy, plum, and turquoise...a little peacocky, but it worked for me.
Cardigan: Belk
Shirt: Gap
Scarf: Dillards
Skinnies: Jessica Simpson
Boots: Rampage
True I didn't make an exact replica of this pin, but I took what I had and went with it to make my own version. Sparkly sweater, black skinnies and boots (check)... leg warmers (negative), but I took the color from the leg warmers and incorporated it with a scarf.
Scarf: Steve Madden
Sweater: GAP
Skinnies: Jessica Simpson
Day 80 wasn't an exact replica either, but I stayed true to the color scheme.
Cardigan: GAP
Shirt: American Eagle
Pants: The Limited
Flats: American Eagle
Friday was another tired teacher t-shirt Friday and Pinterest Land just isn't ready for those kinds of pins to flood its database. Although scarce on words (and witty remarks) that's Week 17. Until next time...live, love, and count down the hours until Christmas break!
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