Week 6...oh Week 6 there are no words except I'm going to need Week 7 to be a little more kind. I'm headed out for some retail therapy tomorrow because new clothes (and
"Woe is Me" isn't exactly the color that I want to paint myself so my moaning ends now && I'm moving on to what I threw on to make it to work clothed and hopefully, reasonably styled.
Maxi dresses or muumuus...I don't care because I love them && that's enough said.
Dress: Wet Seal
Jacket: GAP
On Tuesday when I woke up it finally felt a little like Fall. I love the sweater/skinny/animal print flat combo from my pinspiration picture, but it's not quite scarf weather and I'm not a huge purple fan (a true Gamecock doesn't own much of that color). I made some changes, but kept true to the layering and the overall feel of the outfit.
Sweater: The Limited
Tank: American Eagle
Skinnies: Jessica Simpson (Belk)
Shoes: Target
Ok, I'm not going to lie...this was completely a last minute outfit change that just so happened to coordinate with a pin that I pinned & forgot about. Must be the crispness that comes from white and khaki and then the pop of red. Since my white skinnies have been retired until spring time (yes I still follow that old fashion rule) some minor changes needed to be made. I reversed the top and bottom color && of course showed off way less boobage.
Cardigan: Old Navy
Shirt: Wet Seal (yep in my white tee)
Pants: The Limited (Drew Fit yo)
I've had my set of skinny camos stacked in my closet since last spring. I've worn them out and about, but never to work...that is until Thursday morning when I decided to take a risk and stick my bottom half into the realm of "possibly inappropriate work attire." I was ready to fire back if any poo hit the fan over my outfit choice because 1. They weren't cheap or cheap looking, 2. I looked more put together than I sometimes do in "work appropriate" khakis and 3. What's wrong with a small dose of camo here and there?? I was silently hoping that it would make me invisible from whatever bug has been snacking on me relentlessly. Sadly, the bug still found me...but I'm happy to report that not an ounce of negative feedback arose. Camo was a success...and I didn't have to fight for it to be accepted.
Jacket: GAP
Shirt: American Eagle
Skinnies: GAP
The last Friday of every month is a Jeans Day && praise the lord for that because I was in desperate need of a casual T-Shirt Friday. Day 29 doesn't have any "pin-spiration" because I'm pretty sure school T-shirts aren't going to be the next in thing, but dangit if they aren't good for the soul. Also good for the soul, discovering cute little doodles from the little ones that hold pieces of my heart and paint grey hairs in my locks all at the same time.
I hinted earlier about the funk that I've been in this week. I refuse to give into it and let it get the best of me so I'm doing things differently next week. I'm going in with a set of goals- -work, personal, and fitness. I've been letting work consume me for far too long. It's impossible not to when everything curriculum wise has changed && you feel like a first year teacher. Reality Flash: I'm not a first year teacher. I'm in my 7th year of teaching and if there's one thing I've learned in those 7 years it's this...you have to make time for you. I don't know specifically what my goals are going to be, but I do know that working out is entering the picture again. No matter how tempting it is to get home and sit on my couch drowning my stressors in a seasonal beverage, not working out has taken a huge hit on my happiness levels. It's time to find time to be me...and not just the me that is Mrs. Owen. So, until next time, live, love, teach, && find time for you...the REAL you!
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